Nestled in the depths off the coast of Monastir, Tunisia, lies the Hannibal Wreck, a captivating remnant of a colossal cargo ship that succumbed to the deep in the early 1990s. Resting between 26 and 31 meters below the surface, this shipwreck attracts experienced divers seeking an underwater adventure.
The allure of the Hannibal Wreck lies not only in its imposing size, but also in the vibrant marine life that now calls it home. Divers can encounter a multitude of fish swimming amongst the wreckage, creating a captivating underwater spectacle.
However, exploring the Hannibal Wreck is not for the faint of heart. The depth demands advanced diving certification and appropriate training. Additionally, visibility can vary between 5 and 15 meters, requiring divers to be comfortable navigating in such conditions.